Flash Your Most Gorgeous Smile With A Dental Veneer Procedure

The application of dental veneers is one of the most sought-after cosmetic dental treatments, next to teeth whitening. Veneers, as you probably know, are wafer-thin, custom-made shells that are usually in the same shade or color as your teeth. These are bonded on the top surface of the teeth, resulting in a natural-looking set of pearly whites. There are two types of veneers â composite resin and porcelain.

Of the two, porcelain is more brittle; however, once bonded on the teeth, it becomes very strong and durable. It also resists stains better than resin, and replicates the natural teeth’s light reflecting properties.

Dental veneers are normally applied on people with teeth that are worn down, misaligned, abnormally spaced, chipped, broken, stained or discolored. A good dentist in Sterling, VA will recommend the best alternative, based on the extent of the damage, and the structure of the existing enamel. Your expectations are also factored into the optional treatments.

The dentist may take X-ray scans of your teeth, or dental impressions to determine if the structure of your teeth can accommodate the laminate or porcelain placements. The procedure usually involves three trips to the dentist, the first for checkups and evaluation, and the remainder for prep work and the fittings.

If your dentist determines dental veneers will improve your teethâs present form or appearance, then you will be scheduled for prep work. The placement of veneers occurs on the teeth’s surface, so the top layer of the enamel has to be shaved off prior to the fittings. The amount of enamel removed depends on the type of veneer used. Resins are thinner than porcelain; these are preferable for teeth with minimal damage or with surface discoloration. Porcelain looks very similar to real enamel, but their thickness can compromise the structure of badly damaged teeth.

Impressions of the shaved teeth are taken and sent to a dental laboratory for customization. The fabrication usually takes a couple of weeks, and your dentist will place temporary veneers to protect the shaved part from damage and sensitivity. The placements are fitted on your third visit; the dentist will clean, polish, and etch your teethâs surface, and the shape and color of the dental veneers are customized before they are attached with chemical bonding. Then the dental veneers are exposed to light until the bond hardens, at which time, the dentist makes the final adjustments to ensure a proper fit.

Veneers last for about 5 to 10 years. So if you want your veneers to last that long, you should carry on with your oral hygiene practices. Floss once a day and brush your teeth at least 2 to 3 times a day to prevent the accumulation of plaque. Treat dental veneers like you would your real teeth. Since you now have an almost perfect set of pearly whites, donât forget one important thing, and that is to flash a gorgeous smile all the time.