Let’s face facts, huh? If you have misaligned teeth, then you know how much of a brain cramp that is, and how often you either consciously, or unconsciously, think about it. Have you put your hand up to your mouth whenever you smiled, and have done it so much, you don’t even realize you’re doing it on a regular basis now? Well, that’s what we call, “crazy!”
Seriously, why would you be going through all that when there are a number of viable options available in the marketplace today? Even metal braces is a serious alternative to hiding your smile from people, once they do their job that is . . . don’t you think?
Teeth straightening is now being performed in a number of different ways, and one of the ways more people are leaning towards today are clear aligners. Also known as “invisible braces,” clear aligners are highly-durable plastic trays that are molded to fit your mouth, and cause your teeth to shift ever-so-slightly towards the position the dentist wants.
The truth is clear aligners “appear” invisible, but they’re really not. If someone was to look at your mouth closely, they would see your aligner on. But even writing that, it sounds weird that somebody would take that amount of time, and effort, to verify that you have an orthodontic piece of equipment in your mouth. This is why many dentist call this “invisible teeth straightening,” becasue for the most part – that’s exactly what it is.
But here’s the major benefit that these “braces” have over traditional metal ones . . . ready for it? They can be removed. Yup, that’s true. You can remove your aligners when you brush your teeth in the morning, when you eat, and when you even play sports. This is the one area where traditional braces just cannot compete.
And sure, aligners are a bit more pricey than their older counterparts, but for good reason. They are hard to detect, so they appear almost invisible. They are removable, which is beneficial in a number of different settings. And they seem to get results in a shorter amount of time than normal braces; but then again, that’s only if you qualify to have aligners placed. Not everyone can take advantage, and this is why it’s important that you set a time with your dentist. They need to verify if Invisalign is the right fit for you.
To take advantage today, search “Staten Island Invisalign Dentist,” and find a local dentist that can get you started on your path to a beautiful smile.